Pics from LA trip

Where to begin to describe how I feel about my trip to LA. My intent was to attend the conference on keynote concerts and learn the business aspects of doing such events. But it turned out to be a culminating event with more gravitas than I had imagined.

This is how I got into keynote concerts: Ever since I started performing years ago I felt I needed to tell my stories in between songs. It was how I connected with audiences far and wide. Without fail, when I told stories I felt the power of human connection with my audience regardless of their background. It was just an instinctual human connection (as rare as that sounds.) I tried not saying anything but it felt empty and insignificant compared to when my audience heard the backstory.

I explored doing events with poetry and songs, so I wrote a composition called “Becoming Me” and performed it at a church where I often sing. People were touched beyond words, and even friends asked if it was really me that wrote it. I simply told my story in its raw and unpolished format. But it was their story too so they connected to it. They also connected to me with all the unprocessed emotion I still have. (I’m crying at the moment writing this and thinking about it all. It gets me every time.)

Then I started doing keynote concerts by request from people who heard me and wanted to have me speak and sing at their events and something clicked. The combination of me adding value to the world by sharing my life story and lessons combined with music resonated with me and moved my audiences at the same time. I knew then, that it was the next best move for me. I needed to figure out how to do more of these events where my stories and lessons are just as valuable as my music.

This is where my trip to LA comes in. I wanted to learn, absorb and become a better me through the conference. In addition, I scheduled some extra time for me to relax, explore and be creative. What I’m about to say will sound crazy to some and others just otherworldly. I became a whole new me in a matter of days. I saw a different side of me I had not seen before. It was as if I was watching myself be me from a different plane of existence. Maybe I remembered who I was and connected to that new yet familiar me.

The conference speaker was impeccably superb at increasing the vibrational frequency of the room. I absorbed his energy and also felt and absorbed the energy of the whole room. Seeing him do that opened up my eyes as to how I could transform my audiences as well. So far I had been telling my stories in their raw format; a factual account of what happened and how I felt. But if I just add what I learned from my life experiences my whole life story takes on a new level of meaning. Words cannot describe everything I took away from the conference because I have yet to find the right words. BUT, I felt the energy of where my stories and lessons could go and now it’s just a matter of time and putting that energy into my words, craft and events.

During the conference I met some extraordinary people who became my friends overnight. It was through them that I saw a different side of me. I remained open-minded for the whole trip which meant that I was flexible on new things while being determined on things I set my mind on. Most importantly, I was judging my environment energetically and not physically. This means that I looked beyond how people looked and peeked into their souls to see where I’m going to make my next connection.

I had a list of things I wanted to do in LA: hiking to the Hollywood sign, Walk of Fame, beaches, Beverly Hills. I did all of those things and then some. I hiked to the sign and recorded it here and blog post with lots more insights here. Hiking to the sign was monumental for me because I overcame my fear of heights but also healed wounds of self doubt and lack of confidence in myself. The trip gave me back more in return than I ever expected.

So how did I fall in love? I fell in love totally spontaneously … with myself. I fell in love with this new side of me I saw. I fell in love with the newfound confidence I saw in myself.  I fell in love with the fearlessness I saw in me. I fell in love with the Fatima that was pure love inside and out. I felt the love fill me from within and the only path for that emotion to go was to be expressed towards those around me and they all felt this happening (they told me.)

Today I am a changed person. I’m back to my regular routine in Rochester, but a piece of me will remain unchanged and heavily influenced by the people and energy I felt in LA. My soul has been fed many times over and my soul and heart are content with the love that it feels. That love has always been there but now it’s ready to see the light of day and shine. This trip and the incredible people I met reminded me of that. I hope this post reminds you of all the love you have within. It’s there, you may have to clear the path but it’s always there. It’s always been there. Give it a chance and allow it to see the light of day. Let it shine and maybe give it to someone else who needs it. I guarantee you it will come back to you ten fold.

